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Read The Mistress Of Trevelyan (2004)

The Mistress of Trevelyan (2004)

Online Book

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0743486250 (ISBN13: 9780743486255)
pocket books

The Mistress Of Trevelyan (2004) - Plot & Excerpts

The manor behind the mists....The man behind the mystery.In 1873 San Francisco, spirited Ann Lovell takes a position no one else dares -- as governess to the motherless sons of the enigmatic Benedict Trevelyan. It has long been whispered that Trevelyan Manor hides dark secrets and sinister deeds -- including the murder of Benedict's wife. But Ann refuses to pay heed to spiteful rumor.

As she grows to cherish her young charges, Ann also finds herself powerfully drawn to the handsome Benedict, whose passionate persuasion introduces her to a new world of sensual pleasures. But even while falling in love with the master of Trevelyan, Ann wonders if his attentions are intended to blind her to the secrets of the past -- and if Benedict holds he key to her destiny...or her destruction.

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