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Read His Dark Desires

His Dark Desires

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His Dark Desires - Plot & Excerpts

Trevelyan said, pushing me back and rushing toward the yawning black water ahead."No." I ran after him. To the right, in the dark shadows beneath the trees, I heard weeping and the wild thrashing of foliage."Mignon!" Ginette also ran toward the river. Ahead of us, she didn't see Mr. Trevelyan and me until I called to her."Juliet! Mon Dieu." Ginette stumbled and sank to her knees."What happened?" I said, turning to her. Mr. Trevelyan kept going.She pointed to where Mr. Trevelyan was headed. "Mignon and Mr. Davis were standing just there, and this man came out and attacked them. He knocked Mr. Davis down and pulled Mignon toward the river."I helped her up. "Where's Mr. Davis?""He got up and raced after the man, threatening to kill him if he didn't release Mignon.""I've got her!" Mr. Davis shouted, running up from the river with Mignon cradled in his arms. Her cream dress was wet, muddied, and torn on one shoulder. Her hair hung unbound and was tangled with twigs.Leaving Ginette, I rushed to meet the two.

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