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Read The House Of The Stag (2008)

The House of the Stag (2008)

Online Book

3.89 of 5 Votes: 2
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0765317451 (ISBN13: 9780765317452)
Tor Books

The House Of The Stag (2008) - Plot & Excerpts

Apparently this is part of a series. Didn't know it and wasn't interested. The first part was decent, but then Baker kept switching to new characters which confused me and stopped me from continuing my investment in the first character. If you want to hook me with other characters, do it early. Maybe this would have been different if I had known I was walking into the second book, but there was no indication and so I have no interest in starting from square one. Don't let the cheesy cover and the stupid title fool you. This book is AWESOME. I put off reading this book for so long. (Yes, yes, I know. Don't judge a book by its cover and whatnot. Well, I did. Fie on my stupidity. Don't let me idiocy be yours!) Fantastic world and story. Utterly engrossing and satisfyingly self-contained. Plus, if you are accustomed to high-fantasy tropes, you will be delighted by the humor and in-jokes. I am sad because Baker has passed away so there will be no more new stories from her. However, I am pleased because now, there is a new author (to me, anyway) that I can now enjoy. EXCELLENT!

What do You think about The House Of The Stag (2008)?

This is fantasy and is so great. The Anvil of the world is a Terry Pratchett like sequel. heh.

great book starting on The Bird of the River next - wish she had written more !!!

The Anvil of the World was better, but I still liked the book.

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