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Kitty French books

Kitty French
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Read Books by Kitty French


Knight & Play (2012)

Not sure if I'm gonna finish this series out...I did like it, and it was JUST different enough to make it interesting. Typical rich tycoon, naive new employee.... leads to dirty sex and "emotions".The different aspect was the fact that our leading lady was married. I am not really into cheater bo...

Knight & Play (2012) by Kitty French

Knight & Stay (2000)

This story follows on from Knight and Play. Sophie had discovered with the help of Lucien that her husband Dan has been having a long term affair and has confronted him. We see the break up of Sophie's marriage then she loses her job at Knight Inc all the while Lucien battles against feelings h...

Knight & Stay (2000) by Kitty French

Knight & Day (2000)

Firstly I loved, I mean really loved the first 2 Knight books 5 stars - I loved the way kitty writes with such description and detail - I can actually close my eyes and touch Lucien (so thank you for that Kitty!)and I was more than a little worried when I heard there was a third book - I mean it ...

Knight & Day (2000) by Kitty French

Knight and Play (2013)

Sophie Black is bored with her life, her dead end job, and her husband ignoring her. Deciding she needs some excitement she takes a leap of faith and sends her resume off to Knight Industries sealed with a kiss. The swave Nordic Viking ruler of Knight Industries is Lucien Knight. A quick backgro...

Knight and Play (2013) by Kitty French

Knight and Stay (2013)

Very disappointed I didn't get the initial showdown between Sophie and Dan Holy Lucien hotness. I will never look at a champagne bottle the same way again.

Knight and Stay (2013) by Kitty French

Verbotene Erfüllung (2000)

I am not sure what happened from the end of the first book to this book? I was expecting a smack down and battle royal between hubby and Lucian. Not! What happened? Hubby didn't grovel. After saying he would never give up he lasted one day. Then Lucian wants out of the picture. I don't lik...

Verbotene Erfüllung (2000) by Kitty French

Knight and Day (2013)

Kitty French is a master at weaving eroticism and romance in her books. It's hard to find authors who can handle that balance between character driven romance and the erotic nature of the relationship. The well developed characters along with her hotter than hot smexy scenes make her one of my ...

Knight and Day (2013) by Kitty French

Verbotenes Spiel (2000)

I am going to give this final installment 3.5 stars. Mostly because I missed Lucien & Sophie being the main couple. Don't get me wrong they were in the book quite a bit and I enjoyed catching up with them 5 years into their relationship.Kara & "Dylan" actually made a really good couple and I love...

Verbotenes Spiel (2000) by Kitty French

Do it like Magic Mike (Regular Sex Issue 3)

  Some say that makes me sleazy. I say it makes me lucky.   You decide. Hire me.   Wait up, wait up. I can practically see you frowning at your e-reader. It’s all well and good for me to shout about my job because I’m a guy, but if I were a woman I’d be hung, drawn and quartered for being so braz...

Do it like Magic Mike (Regular Sex Issue 3) by Kitty French

Regular Sex ~ Issue 8 (The Regular Sex Series)

East, my human biology teacher, looks up from the pile of papers in front of him on his desk and places his red pen down. 'Come in, Jessica.' I glance over my shoulder to see if anyone else is coming, but the corridor is empty. 'If you're busy, I can...?' I leave the question open ended and cross...

Regular Sex ~ Issue 8 (The Regular Sex Series) by Kitty French

NSFW (Regular Sex Issue #6)

If you saw my boss, you’d fantasise about him too. He’s like David Duchovny’s better-looking brother, and I don’t know what cologne he wears, but it makes me want to hump his leg whenever he comes within six feet of me. I’ve been his secretary for the last six months and he’s been the only man I’...

NSFW (Regular Sex Issue #6) by Kitty French

Old Friends, New Lovers (Regular Sex Issue 7)

My name’s actually Mabel, thank you mother, but anyone who knows me knows better than to use it. His name’s actually Luke Foxton, but he’s gone as Fox for so long now that I doubt many people could actually recall his first name if asked. Mabes and Fox. Fox and Mabes. We’ve been best friends sinc...

Old Friends, New Lovers (Regular Sex Issue 7) by Kitty French

Maid for You (Regular Sex Issue 5)

  It's Don's fortieth birthday in three days, and I've decided to give him a birthday present he won't forget in a hurry. I'll share this with you upfront - we've been married for over ten years and our sex life has become dull. It happens to most couples I'm sure, but lately the only big O's in ...

Maid for You (Regular Sex Issue 5) by Kitty French

Meet Me By the Kama Sutra (Regular Sex Issue 4)

She keeps looking over at me today, I’m sure of it. I’ve been writing in the library for three weeks now, a half-hearted attempt to save both my money and my heart from the effect of the endless espressos that accompany trying to work in the local cafe. It’s quite charming as libraries go, housed...

Meet Me By the Kama Sutra (Regular Sex Issue 4) by Kitty French

Regular Sex ~ Issue 9 ~ The One Night Stand (The Regular Sex Weekly Series ~ Raunchy coffee-break reads)

I'm having one of those days. Most times I ignore the urge and move on, but today I'm indulging myself. The guy who just walked into the bar is drop dead sexy. I'm not the only woman in the room to notice him; two women in business dress at a table close nearby look his way too, and the brunette ...

Regular Sex ~ Issue 9 ~ The One Night Stand (The Regular Sex Weekly Series ~ Raunchy coffee-break reads) by Kitty French

Melody Bittersweet and The Girls' Ghostbusting Agency: A laugh out loud romantic comedy of Love, Life and ... Ghosts?

I wish Agnes would come back and see me again, but given how patchy her connection was last time I don’t think she’ll make it through a second time. I have so many questions for her now, the most obvious one being about her first grandson. Who was his mother, and did Isaac marry her? Obviously, I...

Melody Bittersweet and The Girls' Ghostbusting Agency: A laugh out loud romantic comedy of Love, Life and ... Ghosts? by Kitty French

The Commute (Regular Sex Issue 1)

‘Take me,’ I say, and then feel my cheeks glow, probably  turning the same shade of dull ox-blood red as the faded upholstery of the seat he’s absently stroking as he watches me. He raises one brow a little as if he’s seriously considering my offer. ‘Take it,’ I correct myself and shoot him my be...

The Commute (Regular Sex Issue 1) by Kitty French

Never Have Sex With Your Ex (Regular Sex #2)

He goes or I do, Art, it’s as simple as that.’ Of all the men in all the world Art could have chosen to replace Stanley with at the last minute, why did he have to go and choose Reuben Turner? Stanley is the leading man in the new West End production I'm starring in and I have to practically hump...

Never Have Sex With Your Ex (Regular Sex #2) by Kitty French

Knight and Sleigh: An Erotic Lucien Knight Christmas Novella

Fresh out of the shower, she was disconcerted by the fact that the soft, floor-length robe she’d hung on the back of the bathroom door seemed to have vanished into thin air. They were miles from anywhere on a snowy mountainside. If it wasn’t Lucien who’d moved it, they were hightailing it back do...

Knight and Sleigh: An Erotic Lucien Knight Christmas Novella by Kitty French

Knight 01 Knight And Play

He had slid back into his battered jeans. The toys still sat central on the coffee table, and she did her best not to look in their direction as she padded through to the open plan kitchen after Lucien.     Pristine white gloss and stainless steel units lined the walls in unbr...

Knight 01 Knight And Play by Kitty French

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