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Marita Conlon-McKenna books

Marita Conlon-McKenna
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Read Books by Marita Conlon-McKenna


Under the Hawthorn Tree (2001)

Membaca kisah tiga beradik ini begitu mengesankan. Entah bagaimana mereka menghadapi hari-hari yang berlaku dengan penuh ketabahan, sedangkan kanak-kanak seusia mereka ketika ini sedang enak bersenang-lenang menghadap televisyen dan internet. Ironis.Kisah pengembaraan Elly, Michael dan Peggy adal...

Under the Hawthorn Tree (2001) by Marita Conlon-McKenna

A Girl Called Blue (2005)

The orphanage is the only home Blue has ever known. She is desperate to find out who she really is. The closed file in stern Sister Regina's office holds the secret of her identity. And that is forbidden territory ...

A Girl Called Blue (2005) by Marita Conlon-McKenna

Wildflower Girl (1995)

‘Wildflower Girl’, by Marita Conlon McKenna is the much-loved sequel to ‘Under the Hawthorn Tree’. It is set in post-famine Ireland; a time of hardships, emigration and uncertainty. The book begins with Peggy, the central character, receiving news that her and her siblings have been offered a f...

Wildflower Girl (1995) by Marita Conlon-McKenna

The Stone House (2005)

I've been a fan of Marita Conlon-McKenna for many years. It's been quite some time since I read one of her books, so decided to take The Stone House away on holiday, it seemed to be a perfect beach read.As usual Conlon-McKenna delivered just what I wanted. A family story, set in Ireland; this rea...

The Stone House (2005) by Marita Conlon-McKenna

Miracle Woman (2002)

Martha MacKenzie was an ordinary woman. Nothing extraordinary had ever happened to her, unless she counted her marriage to Dan and the birth of her three perfect, healthy children. Until the day of the accident, when she touched the Lucas boy as he lay dying on the tarmac, and they said she saved...

Miracle Woman (2002) by Marita Conlon-McKenna

No Goodbye (1995)

It's hard to pretend that everything is normal when your whole life has been turned upside down ... Four children come to terms with their mother's sudden departure.

No Goodbye (1995) by Marita Conlon-McKenna

The Magdalen (2007)

Prisoner of God: Neraka di Rumah TuhanPara pelacur, korban inses dan perkosaan, serta wanita yang hamil di luar nikah, semua dikumpulkan di Magdalen Laundry. Terbuang, terpenjara, tersiksa... semua demi penebusan dosa dan ampunan

The Magdalen (2007) by Marita Conlon-McKenna

Promised Land

Come on the double date as a favour to me! I’ve nobody else to ask,’ Terri pleaded. ‘What about Gretta?’ ‘She’s on bloody night duty again, and Matron won’t let her swap. There’s nobody else, honest!’ ‘Oh that sounds good, Terri. You mean I’m the last resort.‘ ‘Ah no, go away out of that, Ella! I...

Promised Land by Marita Conlon-McKenna

The Hat Shop on the Corner

Today was the anniversary of the day her life had ended, the day Shay had told her he was packing up his things and moving out. At first she had thought he’d gone mad, had a bump on the head or was suffering from male menopause or midlife crisis or whatever those American experts liked to call it...

The Hat Shop on the Corner by Marita Conlon-McKenna

The Blue Horse

It was a late August evening, still bright when they arrived and lots of kids were playing in the roads, kicking footballs and hitting little multicoloured balls with tennis racquets. Bikes of every size wove in and out and little girls pushed prams with dolls.     ‘Plenty of ...

The Blue Horse by Marita Conlon-McKenna

The Snow Globe

Her award-winning novels for children include Under the Hawthorn Tree, which has been translated into over a dozen languages, and The Blue Horse, both number one bestsellers. Under the Hawthorne Tree was also televised for Irish, British and American audiences. Marita lives in Dublin. P. J. Lynch...

The Snow Globe by Marita Conlon-McKenna

Fields of Home

She wept as she said goodbye to her now-married daughter, and waved sadly as Roxanne and Fletcher’s carriage turned in the driveway and headed out through the open gates, leaving Rushton behind. ‘I don’t think I can bear it, Peggy, I miss her so much already,’ she said as Peggy poured her a cup o...

Fields of Home by Marita Conlon-McKenna

In Deep Dark Wood

They stretched their wings and lashed out with their long, pointed tails. The rays of the sun warmed them, and the dragons’ skin sparkled like precious jewels in the light. They whined and yelped and made chirping noises, enjoying their freedom. Bella stroked and scratched them, her eyes filled w...

In Deep Dark Wood by Marita Conlon-McKenna

Safe Harbour

A loud cheer went up – Hurrah! Lots of the other children seemed to be delighted about leaving London and seemed to think that being evacuated was like going on some sort of holiday.     Their carriage, like all the others, was jammed with children of every shape, size and age...

Safe Harbour by Marita Conlon-McKenna

The Matchmaker

Today was Evie’s sixth birthday and although the thought of a gang of screaming six-year-olds chasing around her sister’s cluttered garden flat didn’t bear thinking about, she had offered to give Sarah a hand with the party and she wasn’t about to let her down. Afterwards, if she wasn’t too banja...

The Matchmaker by Marita Conlon-McKenna

A Taste for Love

All the spring bulbs were out and the place was a mass of colour. Red and yellow and pink tulips were everywhere! ‘“A host of golden daffodils, beside the lake, between the trees” … aren’t they just like the ones in the Wordsworth poem?’ Florence Sullivan smiled as they strolled up along by the r...

A Taste for Love by Marita Conlon-McKenna

Three Women

She’s lovely. Talk to you later!’ Nina read Erin’s text message over and over again. So a meeting had obviously finally happened. She wondered which of them had instigated it this time. Wherever it was, it had obviously gone well. So much for hoping that it would never happen! It sounded mean, bu...

Three Women by Marita Conlon-McKenna

Mother of the Bride

She’d known that he’d love the Dakota surfboard, and felt the warm glow of satisfaction that comes from buying the perfect present. Dan, in turn, had bought her the most divine pair of black leather boots, a new Synan O’Mahoney dress and an iPod loaded with some of her favourite songs. Her old on...

Mother of the Bride by Marita Conlon-McKenna

The Rose Garden

Her brother Dylan and his wife, Jenny, were down from Dublin to stay for the weekend with their new baby, Aisling. It was lovely to see them, as they had got married years ago and were now finally holding their precious little daughter, who had been born after a single programme of IVF last year....

The Rose Garden by Marita Conlon-McKenna

Rebel Sisters

It had happened to her a few times over the past two days, but somehow she had steadied herself. Dr Rutledge passed her and glanced over, mildly curious, as Muriel took a few slow, deep breaths before she continued up the stairs. By mid-afternoon her head was reeling and her throat was sore. She ...

Rebel Sisters by Marita Conlon-McKenna

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