What do You think about Under The Hawthorn Tree (2001)?
شعور جميل أن تعود سنوات ثمان للوراء مع دفتر قديم تكتشف أنك كنت قد دونت ملاحظات عن قصص كنت قد قرأتها ^^تحت شجرة الزعرور ، قراته أيضَا قبل ثماني سنوات ، المراجعة بدفتري القديم ، وحسب روان الصغيرة: " قصة تضمنت عناصر الجمال ، تحدثت عن المجاعة التي ضربت ايرلندا بفترة -1840، 1850- من خلال إيلي وبيغي ومايكل الأبطال الصغار ،وكيف أرادوا التخلص من الملجأ والوصول لخالتهم . القصة تبدأ عند تعفن موسم البطاطا؛ لتنشأ المجاعة التي أودت بحياة المليون شخص ، وتركت البقية يعانون بين الجوع والحمى " كنت قد وصفتها بالواقعية ، تأثرت الفتاة الصغيرة بداخلي أنذاك : بالأخوة الصادقة ، والشجاعة ، والقدرة على التصرف واتخاذ القرار ، روان بذلك الوقت اعتبرتها نقلة بقرائتها بين قصص الأطفال ذات النهاية السعيدة ، والقصية الواقعية الموجهة لليافعين ، وقد أعجبت بها رغم قساوتها والمأساة . وتأثرت الصغيرة بداخلي بوفاة بريجت ، ورحيل الأم ، مرض بيغي ، منظر رؤية القتيل !!وختمت بالمذكرة أن هؤلاء الأطفال أعوني درسا بالإنسانية !!يبدو أنها كانت قد أعجبت روان الصغيرة و أضافت لها ^^ جميلة لليافعين ومرحلة12 سنة فما فوق أقول الآن :)
—Rawan Mustafa
This is a story of a family that get separated by the great potato family. The three young siblings’ parents disappear and the starving children must run away before they are sold into a workhouse. They know that they have aunts in the city and so they decide to make their way to them. This story is good at painting a picture of the devastating effects of the potato famine in Ireland. The setting is very believable and the climax is quite exciting although they do not find their parents at the end they are left with a glimmer of hope.Recommended age 9 -13Reading Level 4th -6th grade
The book, Under the Hawthorn Tree, is a gripping tale of childhood bravery during one of the saddest times in Irish history. The story is set during the 1840’s and involves a family trying to survive the horrific potato famine, which claimed the lives of over one million Irish citizens. While reading this novel, you can almost visualise how people survived during this depressing time because the descriptions are so realistic. It's an extremely moving book and easy to relate to. The author, Marita Conlon-McKenna, appeals to all our senses in her descriptions and students could easily paint a picture in their heads of how things really were.The plot involves three Irish children trying to survive, with no parents to take care of them. We are led on a journey which involves harrowing challenges but also highlights human survival skills against all the odds. The eldest of the three children, Eily, is the main protagonist and takes on a maternal role throughout the book. The author aptly describes their courage while making their journey to Castletaggart. Without giving away the ending, their ultimate goal is to find their great aunts, Nano and Lena and finally be safe and secure from the dreaded famine. The book would be quite suitable for KS2 children as it is an engrossing read and is part of our history in Ireland.