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Read Promised Land

Promised Land

Online Book

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Promised Land - Plot & Excerpts

Come on the double date as a favour to me! I’ve nobody else to ask,’ Terri pleaded.
‘What about Gretta?’ ‘She’s on bloody night duty again, and Matron won’t let her swap. There’s nobody else, honest!’ ‘Oh that sounds good, Terri. You mean I’m the last resort.‘ ‘Ah no, go away out of that, Ella! It’s not like that at all. I just think that you might enjoy yourself. Bill had booked the table for four at Jammet’s. It’s one of the best restaurants in the city, my clients are always going on about it and I’m just dying to see it first-hand. Go on! Be a sport and come on the double date with me. Bill is as safe as houses, I promise he’s a real gentleman, and I’m sure his friend Patrick is the same.’ Ella wasn’t sure about it at all. The men Terri dated were generally somewhat older than she was with a bit of money in the bank. What if she didn’t fit in or if this Patrick fellow was absolutely awful? She wasn’t used to dating anyone and had little experience of men, yet Terri was always good fun to be with, and they’d get a slap-up meal in a good restaurant, no strings attached.

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