How selfish would he have been, though, to further immerse himself into her life, knowing full well he had nothing to offer? This explained why he was now freezing his ass off in Deadhorse, Alaska. A few days after his talk with his family, one of Wyatt’s best welders had walked off the site, and Wyatt had jumped at the chance to fill in for him until finding someone else. As a general rule, when life turned rocky, hard labor served as his lifeline. Up here, there was nothing to do other than work, eat and sleep. As the “boss,” his men didn’t understand his penchant for getting his hands dirty. Wyatt didn’t understand, either, but what could it hurt? Being back in Weed Gulch? Stuck behind his desk with only a stack of paperwork keeping him from Natalie and her huge belly? That would bring about true pain. After twelve-hour days working rig maintenance in temperatures of thirty-five below, sleep came easy. Forgetting his night with Natalie? Not so much. A WEEK BEFORE VALENTINE’S Day, Natalie knocked on Principal Moody’s office door.
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