A Birthright Of Blood (The Dragon War, Book 2) - Plot & Excerpts
The flames rose everywhere. Houses, shops, trees—they all blazed. Tilla flew, eyes stinging, the smoke swirling around her. Blood spilled. Dragons burned and fell dead. Soldiers ran, swinging swords, and explosions tore through alleyways, ripping men apart. Streets cracked. Buildings tumbled. Walls fell. Any house built of wood blazed. From the brick structures—the fort, the courthouse, the silos and shops—cannons were still firing through embrasures in the walls, tearing into dragons. My home, Tilla thought. Her heart thrashed, her eyes stung, and the terror gripped her. Cadport. My home. It's burning. "Rune!" she howled, flying above the destruction. "Rune, end this! Fly to me, Rune. Stop this warfare!" She flew in circles above the city, seeking him. The resistors scurried below, leaping from street to street, shadows in the night. They fired arrows, then vanished into doorways and windows and holes. Cannons blazed and smoke unfurled.
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