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Read A Jungle Of Stars (1976)

A Jungle of Stars (1976)

Online Book

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A Jungle Of Stars (1976) - Plot & Excerpts

The inhabitant of one of the caves barely noticed the sight, but the scent from the fields was driving her almost mad with hunger. As the last rays of the setting sun vanished in the east, she came carefully out of her refuge, looking warily around her with caution born of weeks of being a fugitive. Standing just outside the cave, sniffing the wind for more fearsome scents, perhaps of sentient beings, she presented a sight that would have been strange to any alien to this quiet, agrarian world. She stood about 150centimeters high, a squat humanoid body begun with a squared head looking something like a blue gorilla's but with short-cropped silver hair now dirty and disheveled after weeks of hiding. Her head rested on a thick wrestler's neck and a tough, muscled torso covered with very fine, thin, bluish hair. Her arms were thick and bulging with sinew; She could easily lift twice her own weight. Two large blue-black breasts, firm and well positioned, were left uncovered by the blue hair, which close to the waist became much more coarse, long and curly, going down to and covering even the tops of her feet, which despite rudimentary toes, were hard and more like hooves.

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