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Read A Lawman In Her Stocking (2002)

A Lawman In Her Stocking (2002)

Online Book

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0373764758 (ISBN13: 9780373764754)
harlequin books

A Lawman In Her Stocking (2002) - Plot & Excerpts

"What you need is a man!"Brenna Montgomery's meddlesome grandmother was determined to see her wedded--and she'd chosen Dylan Chandler as Brenna's prospective groom. But Brenna didn't want a sexy, Stetson-wearing lawman who sent shivers up her spine and made her weak in the knees. She knew if she gave in to Granny's matchmaking, she'd be risking her already bruised heart.Feisty, sophisticated and lovely, Brenna was the type of woman Dylan avoided. Yet duty demanded he check out this new gal in town and keep her under close watch. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't get Brenna off his personal Most Wanted list. But was he prepared to pay the price of his soul-stirring seduction: marriage

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