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Kathie DeNosky books

Kathie DeNosky
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Read Books by Kathie DeNosky


A Lawman In Her Stocking (2002)

"What you need is a man!"Brenna Montgomery's meddlesome grandmother was determined to see her wedded--and she'd chosen Dylan Chandler as Brenna's prospective groom. But Brenna didn't want a sexy, Stetson-wearing lawman who sent shivers up her spine and made her weak in the knees. She knew if she ...

A Lawman In Her Stocking (2002) by Kathie DeNosky

In Bed with the Enemy (Lone Star Country Club) (2003)

Business...or pleasure? When federal agents Cole Yardley and Elise Campbell are paired in a gun-smuggling investigation in exclusive Mission Creek, Texas, the hard-nosed ATF agent's passion for his job is soon eclipsed by his burning attraction for the sultry greeneyed FBI agent. Nor can Elise de...

In Bed with the Enemy (Lone Star Country Club) (2003) by Kathie DeNosky

Cassie's Cowboy Daddy (2002)

Every muscle and joint in her body ached and she alternated between chills and feeling as if she was burning up. When she bent over to remove a casserole from the oven, the throbbing in her head increased and she swayed as a wave of dizziness swept over her. “Are you all right?” Logan asked, hang...

Cassie's Cowboy Daddy (2002) by Kathie DeNosky

The Rough and Ready Rancher (2001)

Flint roared. He levered himself to a sitting position. The light of the moon, shining through the part in the curtains, illuminated Jenna’s still form and the thin line of blood trickling down the side of her face. His heart stalled right then and there. He couldn’t tell the extent of her injuri...

The Rough and Ready Rancher (2001) by Kathie DeNosky

In Bed with the Enemy (2003)

She wasn’t sure if her lack of appetite was due to her run-in with John Valente, her not having the presence of mind to take defensive action against the man, or because Cole had once again intervened on her behalf. “I hope you’re not worried about Valente,” Cole said, taking a swig of his beer. ...

In Bed with the Enemy (2003) by Kathie DeNosky

The Rancher's One-Week Wife

Blake said, smiling as he helped Karly dismount the mare.     “I think I need to join a gym,” she commented as she patted Suede’s neck and moved away from the horse. Karly’s wince and the way she walked told him that she’d spent too much time in the saddle for her first time r...

The Rancher's One-Week Wife by Kathie DeNosky

Expecting the Rancher's Heir (2010)

Melissa said as she and Rita went over the afternoon reservations. “I’m so sorry, Ms. Jarrod,” Rita apologized for at least the tenth time. “I don’t know how I could have made that kind of mistake.” “It’s all right, Rita. These kinds of things happen from time to time,” Melissa assured her. “Just...

Expecting the Rancher's Heir (2010) by Kathie DeNosky

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