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Read In Bed With The Enemy (Lone Star Country Club) (2003)

In Bed with the Enemy (Lone Star Country Club) (2003)

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0373765215 (ISBN13: 9780373765218)
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In Bed With The Enemy (Lone Star Country Club) (2003) - Plot & Excerpts

Business...or pleasure?
When federal agents Cole Yardley and Elise Campbell are paired in a gun-smuggling investigation in exclusive Mission Creek, Texas, the hard-nosed ATF agent's passion for his job is soon eclipsed by his burning attraction for the sultry greeneyed FBI agent. Nor can Elise deny the way Cole makes her heart race. Breaking their code, the two share a night of passion. But when one night turns into many, Cole and Elise must decide if solving the case will end their relationship, or mark the start of a new life--and new family--together....

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