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Read A Manuscript Of Ashes (2008)

A Manuscript of Ashes (2008)

Online Book

3.47 of 5 Votes: 3
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0151014108 (ISBN13: 9780151014101)
houghton mifflin harcourt

A Manuscript Of Ashes (2008) - Plot & Excerpts

I just wrote a scathing review that threw away, so I'll condense it and just say this book was as pleasant to read as a root canal is to dental procedures. Bottom line: you don't shift points of view in the middle of a sentence. You don't force your reader to backtrack endlessly to try and figure out who is saying what. That isn't mystery, it's damned inconvenient. Only masochism enabled me to finish this book, an excruciating three weeks I could have spent reading a host of other books. I have the suspicion that these literary failings aren't the fault of the translator -- likely the author thought he was doing something experimental by dragging my eyeballs across the equivalent of broken glass the entire length of the book. This approach is avant-garde, like an artist painting himself with turquoise paint and leaping into a cactus patch, and just as successful: he did it, but why? If this is the new direction of literature I'm sticking to the classics. While this book doesn't descend to the level of one-star Books I Loathe, it flies pretty close to the border. I gave it a second star for competent character development. Someone described this book wrongly as hypnotic; it is instead tedious, tiresome and a relentless exercise in frustration. If you enjoy beating your head against a wall, read this book. If you have better things to do with your head, pick a different book to read.

I should have read this in Spanish but I kept hearing how difficult it is. It is also difficult in English. The writing styles are enchanting but the narador no fidedigno raises alot of questions. I need to read it again to try to figure out what part of the book within the book we can trust. Maybe the protagonist himself isn't completely trustworthy either--was he really writing a thesis or just trying to hide from the authorities? Nov 28, 2010. Now have read it in Spanish (Beatus ille). Magical writing style, some of it sounds like T.S. Eliot. We create (re-create) history as we remember it and recount it. Excellent example of postmodern historical novel.

What do You think about A Manuscript Of Ashes (2008)?

Un joven universitario, huyendo de la represión policial, decide regresar a su ciudad natal, Mágina, con el pretexto de recabar información para su tesis doctoral. Se aloja en casa de Manuel, pariente lejano, cuya casa está llena de fantasmas y misterios que atormentan a los que viven en ella.Con un estilo particular, el autor va desgranando la trama, saltando continuamente en el tiempo. Retazos de historia que va hilvanando hasta completar el cuadro final. Una amistad inquebrantable, una mujer misteriosa, un asesinato, una guerra y sus perdedores.La lectura termina siendo un poco tediosa, mucha descripción y poca acción.
—Marisu Lamas

Es una novela cuya trama avanza desdiciéndose y espejándose (como si el presente repitiera el pasado), con un estilo y un lenguaje muy poéticos y precisos. Puede ser de lectura un poco difícil porque el estilo del autor es usar oraciones larguísimas, con giros y modificadores dentro de la misma oración. Si lo que se busca es lectura ligera, busquen otra cosa. Es una historia de (varios) amores, una novela histórica, un thriller policial, y todo formando una unidad potente. En mi opinión, excelente.
—Sandra Vega

Novela policíaca, una especie de crónica, juegos, intrigas, romance, misterio; todo esto y más reúne en la primera novela de Antonio Muñoz Molina; al estilo de García Marquez, recrea su ciudad, Mágina, el escenario donde convergen las vidas de Manuel, Jacinto Solana, Mariana, Minaya, Inés, Medina, entre otros personajes vitales y aterradores que resguardan en su memoria y olvido, una historia, un crimen, una verdad que los mantiene con vida, atados, permaneciendo todos bajo un mismo telón que abraza los años y la historia. Una historia absorbente y de magistral logística que envuelve al lector en la narración que poco a poco irá develándose, haciéndose cómplice de un juego literario de un libro no escrito, que se escribe y gesta con la supuesta muerte de su autor.Beatus Ille es uno de esos libros que no debe dejarse de leer, ni considerar dentro de la biblioteca pública y personal de un lector -iniciado o experimentado- que se apasione por el quehacer literario y el misterio, dónde la literatura nos devuelve la vida, nos hace libre, nos mantiene de pie.

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