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Read A Soldier's Redemption (2010)

A Soldier's Redemption (2010)

Online Book

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A Soldier's Redemption (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

For a long time he just held her, but finally he spoke. “We have to talk about how to deal with this.”
“What can we possibly do?
“Well, I’ll have to think about that some, but we’ve still got to talk. We have to sort through your options and my options, and see what we can come up with. There’s a lot I can do, but I don’t usually plan entire operations by myself.”
“Yes. And you’re my team. And the sheriff, too. We’ve got to talk this all over with him.”
“I don’t want to! What if he calls the Marshals? I don’t want to do that again.”
“Easy now. I’m sure we can convince Gage not to do that. But as good as I may be, I’m still just one man, Cory. We’re going to need some help.”
She pressed her face into his shoulder, hating all of this, from the fear that tingled along her spine to the sense of being trapped in a nightmare. Why couldn’t she have even an hour of forgetfulness? Was that so much to ask?
Then he shifted her, so that she lay even closer to him.

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