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Read A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again

A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again

Online Book

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Little, Brown and Company

A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again - Plot & Excerpts

But also back on land at banks, restaurants, airline ticket counters, on and on. You know this smile—the strenuous contraction of circumoral fascia w/ incomplete zygomatic involvement—the smile that doesn’t quite reach the smiler’s eyes and that signifies nothing more than a calculated attempt to advance the smiler’s own interests by pretending to like the smilee. Why do employers and supervisors force professional service people to broadcast the Professional Smile? Am I the only consumer in whom high doses of such a smile produce despair? Am I the only person who’s sure that the growing number of cases in which totally average-looking people suddenly open up with automatic weapons in shopping malls and insurance offices and medical complexes and McDonald’ses is somehow causally related to the fact that these venues are well-known dissemination-loci of the Professional Smile?
Who do they think is fooled by the Professional Smile?
And yet the Professional Smile’s absence now also causes despair.

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