Her heart was racing but in a good way and for the first time in a long time she was content. Her fingers rose unconsciously to his chest, the tips running over the hard muscles beneath his skin until they came to the jagged tears that marked where he’d torn his own heart out. If she hadn’t been so relaxed the blood coating her skin would have freaked her out but as it stood she could barely think of anything other than the kiss that they had shared moments ago. The peace that filled her meant there was no panic in her voice when she spoke, her fingers still caressing his flesh. “So that hole in your chest….is it going to heal by itself or do I need to get you a doctor?” Only vaguely concerned that she sounded as calm as someone asking for directions, Kass waited serenely for a response. She had no particular urge to move from where she was although she knew she must look terrible. “It’ll heal by itself. By tomorrow you won’t even know that I was hurt. It’ll take even less time if I get some food then my body will have the energy it needs to make things happen even faster.”