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Read AdriannasCowboy (2012)

AdriannasCowboy (2012)

Online Book

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Ellora's Cave Publishing Inc.

AdriannasCowboy (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

Almost the entire population of Cedar Grove had come for Jacob Campbell’s funeral. Adrianna had been holding up well. Or at least he guessed she was.
Since he’d held her in bed yesterday morning, she’d kept her distance. Hell, she’d even slept in her own bed last night. It had been obvious she hadn’t wanted him to touch her so he hadn’t pushed. All morning she’d been helping the ladies of the town prepare and set up food for the mourners. People had stayed hours longer than he’d imagined, well past sunset and into the evening. While it touched him that so many people wanted to pay their respects, he hadn’t had more than thirty seconds alone with Adrianna all day.
Now it was just the two of them in the house again. He couldn’t understand why she was pushing him away. At first he’d assumed that it was grief but now he knew it was something else. He just couldn’t put his finger on why she was acting this way.
His boots thumped across the wooden floor as he strode toward the kitchen.

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