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Almost Innocent (2001)

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0553573705 (ISBN13: 9780553573701)

Almost Innocent (2001) - Plot & Excerpts

I picked this up for $0.10 at my library's book sale, and I'm certainly glad not to have paid any more than that. I got through half, and I just can't bring myself to read any more than that. The blurb really doesn't give an idea of just how unlikeable I found the book.The first quarter was rather slow. The first 50 pages were all about the heroine at age 11, and how no one liked her, and what an odd child she was, and how she developed a crush on her betrothed's uncle. All that seemed like backstory that could easily have been summed up in much fewer pages. Nothing much happened in the next 50 pages, either, except the heroine having a flashback to her rather unpleasant wedding night (afternoon?) with the hero's nephew, which I really could have done without, and the heroine lusting after the hero, despite being married only a couple months and pregnant. Then her husband disappears, presumed dead, except that she doesn't believe it, due to having a mystical "sense" that he's alive. This doesn't stop her from seducing the hero, though, mere days after having a miscarriage. And although he thinks it's wrong to sleep with his nephew's wife, it doesn't stop him from giving in quite easily.The heroine soon realizes she's pregnant again, and decides this is a great way to bind the hero to her (while pretending it's still the not-dead husband's child) because otherwise he'd leave her once he realized there was something wrong with banging his not-dead nephew's wife.Around here I just got fed up with the characters and the book and didn't want to read anymore. Hints of the not-dead husband coming back certainly didn't help my enthusiasm, because I could just see that going in directions I really didn't want it to. (Why not just kill the husband off in the beginning? Is that so hard to do? Instead, he'll presumably be killed off in the end, and I can't see how that's a happy occurrence for anyone, despite it allowing for the HEA between the supposed hero and heroine. The husband's the hero's beloved nephew, and seemingly not all that bad a guy, except for having the bad taste to get in the middle of a destined HEA.)And the heroine is, what, 15? 16? 17? (She's 11 plus however many years it takes to conquer land held by the French, but surely that wouldn't take too long.) And yet she's apparently a super-seductress, and every single man wants her, despite having very little actual practice in seducing. And what's with the title? What does "almost" innocent even mean? I like the original title of "Brazen Whispers" better.

Redonk Nutshell: Illegitimate daughter of renowned parents falls in love with her married guardianOn a whim, I pulled this off the library shelf because a) I want to read more of Jane Feather and b) I liked that it was set in an earlier period of history than what I usually read. So here's what we get:Magdalen is born amid a betrayal of her mother, who was French, to her father, who is English. Because of her illegitimacy, she is sent off and raised with supporters of her father. When she turns eleven, she is shuffled to the care of Guy de Gervais, a handsome and chivalrous knight. Guy explains she is destined to marry his nephew, Edmund and she accepts it as her duty. Though spirited, Magdalen knows her responsibilities and expectations leveled upon her. As she grows up in the Gervais household she becomes even more enamored with Guy. Guy is happily married and has a huge brood of nephews and nieces under his roof, and dismisses Magdalen's attachment to him as innocent. Which, honestly, it is. But Magdalen is an old soul, and she knows in her heart she loves him. On the night before her wedding to Edmund she professes her love for Guy and tells him her arrangement with her fiance is ill advised, but Guy dismisses her.Years later, Magalden is grown up and married several years to Edmund. When a conspiracy unfolds to remove Edmund and Magdalen from the picture, Magdalen is removed to her husband's land under Guy's escort. When Edmund is attacked along the road and presumed dead, a romance between Magdalen and Guy reluctantly unfolds. When Edmund turns up over a year later, both Magdalen and Guy are forced to face their actions and emotions.Lawd, I had a time of it getting through this one. It started off intriguing enough, but from moment one the plot was one predictable cliche after another. Magdalen is a hard heroine to like, and while try not to hold that against her, I had a heck of a time sympathizing with her. She's just...meh. Bland. In fact, most of the characters are. By the halfway point of the book I found myself skimming through the pages. In fact, the last quarter I didn't really "read" at all. It was the "epic" conclusion involving a kidnapping and rescue in which only one of her men will live. And we all know which one it will be.Definitely not my favorite read of Ms. Feather's, though I haven't given up on her.Almost Innocent by Jane Feather, 432 pgs, 1990Rating: DRomance: 2/5 Raunch: 3/5

What do You think about Almost Innocent (2001)?

I'm sorry to say that I got through 37% of the book and could go no further. I can maybe allow for the falling in infatuation-turned-love on the part of Magdalen, but blatantly throwing herself at Guy while being married, then while pregnant with her husband's child, and immediately after her miscarriage is simply unexcusable. Love does not excuse all. I very much doubt her husband would be so understanding, despite their arranged marriage. If the roles were reversed, Magdalen herself being so proud and headstrong would certainly not look the other way. I simply cannot stomache adultery all in the name of love. If one can cheat on another, what's to stop them from 'falling in love' with someone else and cheat on you?

I was recommended this book as a fan of the Outlander series. Although I expected a lighter romance given the blurb and cover, I was surprised to find the book filled with well researched historical information, lots of political intrigue, and, at least at the beginning, a heroine I could like. Then near the middle this became a wallbanger, and I struggled to finish it. I can't discuss what I hated about this book so much without spoilers, so here goes...I have a very hard time with adultery in

I was in the mood for a romance, something I haven't read for a while, and I had this book sitting around so I decided to read it. If you like romances this is a good one, not exactly the typical historical romance and not predictable. Usually you pretty much know what is going to happen in these books before you start reading; it's not the outcome that we read these books for, we already know that, but for the experience getting there. This book was enjoyable because I was never quite sure if it was going to end as I expected but it was still very good getting there.

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