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Read As The Crow Flies (2004)

As the Crow Flies (2004)

Online Book

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0312997116 (ISBN13: 9780312997113)
st. martin's paperbacks

As The Crow Flies (2004) - Plot & Excerpts

This awesome, very well written book took place beginning in the late 1800's and reaching into the 1970's through the life of Charlie Trumper. Charlie grew up learning the fruits and vegetables trade from his grandfather, the only reliable, dependent adult in his young life. All he ever wanted was to have his own barrow and his own street corner when he was growing up. When Becky's father died and left her with his bakery, her first thought was to turn to Charlie, her own age, but one that her father had great faith in and felt would make a name for himself one day. No sooner had Charlie learned the bakery business than he was called to go to war. Becky promised to keep his half of the earnings for when he returned. Upon his return, he finds that Becky had sold his barrow and the bakery shop because she'd heard he'd been killed. But she kept his portion safe, and was glad she did when she heard he'd survived. With the help of a rich girlfriend who took to her, Becky bought a shop on Chelsea Terrace, 'as the crow flies,' a place Charlie had dreamed of one day being a part of. When Charlie returns and finds what Becky has done his heart swells. He makes the necessary adjustments and the money starts flowing in. Charlie often sat on the bench outside his shop as he cogitated and made plans, plans that one day would make him a wealthy man even through threat, turmoil, marriage, thievery, and a particular family who chose to call him an enemy and would do anything to destroy him. Excellently written, fast paced, hard to put down. .

كان يصعب علي معرفة ما إذا كنت قد أحببت هذه الرواية أم لالا أنكر ان أحداثها كانت مثيرة ومسليةوهي تحكي قصة كفاح تشارلي ترامبر منذ أن كان طفل صغيرا يرى جده و هو يبيع الخضار على عربته النقالة إلى ان أصبح السير تشارلي ترامبر صاحب اكبر عربة نقالة في العالم وتغلب على فقره والأهم من ذلك إستطاع التغلب على أعدائه وهم عائلة تريثنام.هذا العدو الذي لا طالما كان يحاول التنغيص على حياة تشاري وعائلته كانت الرواية رائعة جدا ومليئة بالشخصيات التي لا تنسى بالفعل ولكن في مرحلة ما وأنا اقرأ الرواية شعرتببعض الملل لأن الرواية كانت طويلة جدا كانت صفحاتها في نظريلا تريد أن تنتهي أبدا لكن ما جعلني أستمر في قرائتها هو ان الرواية كانت مسليه وكانت تستحق الوقت الذي قضيته في قرائتها كان الكاتبيصف أغلب الأشياء بوصف دقيق وأعتقد أن هذا ما جعل الرواية طويلة بجانب أحداث الرواية التي مرت على مدى سنين طويلة.لكنني اعتقد أنه يمكنني أن اعتبر هذه الرواية من أفضل ما قرأت.

What do You think about As The Crow Flies (2004)?

This is a fairly good 200 page novel, hiding inside 600 pages. It was easy to read, but not very fulfilling. I was ready to quit on it at the halfway point, as I became tired of reading of each shop being purchased with great detail about how much it cost, and what a good deal Charlie got on each one. I continued on, and the story improved somewhat. I never felt anything for any of the characters. They all seemed one dimensional.I did like the way that the story switched perspective from one character to another, filling in the blanks of the story as it did so. That made for more interesting transitions, but became predictable as the story progressed.On the technical side... I read the novel on my Kindle. The hand written notes scattered throughout the book were almost impossible to read.
—Jim Henry

OH my what do I say. This book was published some 20 years ago but truly it is timeless. The joy in this novel is in the story telling -- all 600 pages of it devoted to draw you into the richness of the characters as they are woven into this saga spanning decades. Many authors have made their books long-- but end up just filling the pages with fluff....not so for archer--I relished each page and was sort of disappointed when I reached the end.The character's individual parts are stories within themselves but Archer weaves them into the overall story like the master story teller he is. You will love some and really hate others as Archer brings them to life for you.This is really the life story of a man named Charlie Trumper born into poverty with great dreams and the disposition to fulfil them. This book was a great read and I am a better person for reading it and sharing Charlie's pursuit of his dreams and life....
—Johnny Williams

Depending on which browser I've opened to read this in (I do hate epub books and the Overdrive app that can never remember my login), I've made it to about 50% of this huge chunkster, so I'm counting this towards Mt. TBR of 2015 and the GR reading challenge. 400-500 pages is a full book in my world.As far as I did get - the story begins around the latter years of WWI, and focused around a set of characters in the early years of building a financial empire starting with one store at a time - grocery is the first one. Usually I'd be all over a big fat saga like this, and usually I'd love all the details of the empire building, but this one fell flat for me. The biggest problem was the never-ending flip flop back to the same events, only to be recounted to the reader in another first person narrative from another character. B.O.R.I.N.G.Life's too short, moving on.

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