Joann took her seat. “There are a lot of us now, you know.” “I’m not a professional. I couldn’t come,” Penny protested. “What’s the fun in that?” “It’s okay,” Kate comforted. “I’m not one, either, unless professional klutz counts.” She brightened. “I could send half the registry from A Day at a Time.” “Hmm...” Joann frowned into her diet cola. “I’d probably think better if this had real sugar in it.” “Give you sugar and the next thing you know, you’ll want real cream in your coffee.” Marce shook her head at her. “Let’s make it a businesswomen’s club. How about that? Your catering counts, Penny, whether you have a sign and a park bench or not.” “Like a gender-specific chamber of commerce? Are you sure that’s even legal?” Kate pushed Marce off the end of the bench. “It’s your turn to bowl.” “Maybe we should just stick with being a bowling team.”