Bailey’s Estes Park Excitement (2010) - Plot & Excerpts
Kate, carrying Biscuit, followed Bailey cautiously across the threshold onto the glossy-wood Music Room floor. Immediately, the music stopped. Bailey grabbed Kate’s arm. They tiptoed toward the piano, as if they were sneaking up on the ghost. “Maybe whoever was playing will appear,” Bailey whispered. “I doubt it. But maybe we’ll be able to see how they’re doing the special effect.” “Yeah. I have to keep reminding myself it isn’t real.” The girls stepped up into the alcove and inspected the piano. “I wish I’d brought Biscuit’s leash.” Kate shifted the dog to her other arm and looked closer. “Aha! Just as I thought. It’s a player piano.” “Huh?” “A player piano. You know, the kind that has songs programmed into it so it plays by itself.” “Oh, I’ve seen those in stores. But doesn’t someone have to start and stop it?” “Usually.” Kate continued checking all angles of the piano. She wrestled with Biscuit who was getting wiggly. “I bet this one has an automatic switch or sensor somewhere that turns it on and off.”
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