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Read Barefoot By The Sea (2013)

Barefoot by the Sea (2013)

Online Book

4.15 of 5 Votes: 2
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1455508233 (ISBN13: 9781455508235)

Barefoot By The Sea (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

I really wanted to like this one. I enjoyed the other three books in the Barefoot Bay series, but this one just didn't work for me. I think Roxanne St. Claire is a great writer, and the writing in Barefoot by the Sea is strong, but I found that I had to suspend way too much belief for the basic premise to work. In some genres, that's fine, but (and this is just a personal taste thing), I like contemporaries to feel real and plausible, and John's story simply didn't. I loved this series so much. The 4 women who starred were what really made this series for me and I was so happy that each of them got their HEA. That being said, I had troubles with this book. The fact that a man would find his wife dead and then completely lose his children is mind boggling. I despised that story line and it made me really sad and mad. That seems so unrealistic and heartbreaking.The other issue I had was how fast they went from meeting to wanting to be truly married. I don't like stories that move that fast because it is so unrealistic and rushed. It makes me take a step back from the characters for that reason.I also liked Tessa the least of the 4 women so that also played into it.The rest of the book I liked and I will read the series again (including Tessa's story).

What do You think about Barefoot By The Sea (2013)?

I thought the witness protection plot was a little far fetched

Eh. Sick of the storyline. Glad it is the last in the series.

Great read..

3.5 stars


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