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Read Barefoot In The Rain (2012)

Barefoot in the Rain (2012)

Online Book

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1455508276 (ISBN13: 9781455508273)

Barefoot In The Rain (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

Review for Barefoot in the Rain I was a lucky winner of a free copy of Barefoot in the Rain by Roxanne St. Claire. I am an avid reader of romance books and just books in general so I am pretty willing to try and read anything as long as it grabs my attention from the excerpt on the back of the book or on a website. When I first read the description of this book I thought it would be a good book to try to see if I liked Roxanne as a writer. The book starts out 15 years earlier in the town of Barefoot Bay where a young girl by the name of Jocelyn and a young boy by the name of Will are sitting in his room discussing what is coming in the future for them as they are both heading of to college to pursue their dreams. It seems like it is going to be a simple romantic time for them but then pops in her abusive father who threatens to destroy will if he lays a hand on Jocelyn or even sees her again. From there it takes you fifteen years into the future with Jocelyn returning to the one place she never thought she would go back to because of a scandal that she is going through in her professional life. In comes will too who is now living back next door to her father who has not dementia. As you continue to read you find out more of what happened that night that her father came over and threatened Will. And how the most unlikely person in Mimosa Bay helped her get her life back. In addition you get to find out more about her best friends of college which is good because they will most likely be in the future books. I really liked the author and this book. I would recommend to others. I absolutely love this series. Barefoot In The Rain continues right where book one left off. I love the intense storyline taking place right along with the spa's building and developing. This is Jocelyn's story. Her lifelong love of her next door neighbor Will. I loved watching Joycelyn come to grips with her family situation and the love she has always had for Will. Will is a very strong and generous leading man. You can't help but love him. I also loved getting to know more about the town. This is a great book. I can't wait for book 3 in the series: Barefoot In the Sun.

What do You think about Barefoot In The Rain (2012)?

Unbelievable book. Loved it. Opened my eyes to abuse and dementia. Look forward to the next book.

Really enjoyed this book. It was complex, heartbreaking, sweet, and funny. Great hero too.

Will try to do review later

Another easy read

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