She says she will sort things but then doesn’t. Mind elsewhere. Nicky came round, she’s completely organised & ready to go, as ever. Obvious now M using F to create a mini-me. F wandering round in ludicrous braided jacket, not her style at all, plus dreadful purple nails. Then this morning F asked why I never insisted she wear a ‘decent night cream’. I said I’d always made sure she wore midge repellent when we were by the water. She said it wasn’t the same & anyway I should be using night cream myself. Told her we were both beautiful enough. She stropped about, wanting to pick argument. Later, out of the blue, said ‘Why can we never just buy stuff? Why does it always have to be ethical? Why not, for once, go mad & shop the way every other normal person shops?’ Luckily doorbell rang (Alan R with bag of Longworth traps – must email Gwyn & let him know need ones with shrew holes. Also order more blow-fly pupae). F wants an iDog for birthday, tacky plastic dog that sits on desk & moves to music.