Thank you for being there for me when I needed you the most. You are the best brothers a sister could ever have. Dave, may you rest in peace. Arthur, love you, big bro. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSTo my editors, Melissa Maytnz and May Novack, and my beta-reader Suzanne Lazear for their wonderful catches, thank you. You guys are gurus at streamlining a manuscript. To the ladies at KWCritgroup—Dawn Brown, Teresa Bel ow, Katherine Warwick/Jennifer Laurens, you guys are amazing. To Mike and my wonderful children, thank you for your unwavering love and support. You inspire me in so many waysLove you, guys. 1. The Phone CallA yel ow Corvette shot past us and sped west on Grizzly Boulevard. I leaned forward and watched it as Remy parked his SUV in the lot across from Cache High. “What a moron,” Sykes said from the back seat. “Someone who totaled his car a few weeks ago shouldn’t be cal ing any driver a moron.” Remy spoke slowly while admiring his new moustache and beard in the rearview mirror.