Juice and seeds oozed out enticingly. Luke watched every movement of knife on tomato from his perch on the stool across from her. At first she had pushed bits of what she was preparing to him, thinking he was watching her prepare the food because he was hungry. But he hadn’t shown much interest in snacking. She was left to conclude that he was following her movements intently because he was afraid she might leave him. Because he had been abandoned and abused before. Darcy wasn’t much for crying, but the idea of it brought a lump to her throat. Well, she wasn’t going to let anything else happen to him. And they were certainly in a safe place, at least for now. She hoped that feeling safe would help him relax enough that he could communicate again. Soft light filled the A-frame cabin, making the pine floors glow. It smelled like wood fires, which reminded her of home though she’d never been here before.