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Read Blonde Bombshell (2010)

Blonde Bombshell (2010)

Online Book

3.66 of 5 Votes: 4
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0316086991 (ISBN13: 9780316086998)

Blonde Bombshell (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

A wonderful piece of work. With the story taking place in the universe, two different planets with different cultures, attitudes and behaviors cross paths, and the whole book is set in delicious irony. Told in the viewpoint of a highly intelligent intergalactic bomb who tries to find out about the secret defense system of earth which took out the first bomb, he meets a dashing woman who, for all she is worth (where she IS worth a lot...) cannot remember anything about her past. With two bumbling agents from the intergalactic equivalent of GreenPEACE and a former citizen of Earth plotting murder most foul, this book should never ever ever be missed! Science Fiction? Hmm not really much in the way of science, plenty of pseudo science.Intergalactic? - uh no... The action spans Dirt (earth) and the Dog world (Ostar) either 70 or 700 Light years apart (depending which bit of the book you believe - Tom, please be internally consistent at least!!!), so hardly Intergalactic, certainly less so than HHGTTG...Nonetheless this is in the same vein as most of his other work (excluding the historical fiction), suitably daft and silly.Story concerns an intelligent Bomb sent to Earth to destroy it by a civilisation of Dogs, and the ensuing daftness when the Bomb can't work out what Earth's defences are....

What do You think about Blonde Bombshell (2010)?

Every Dog should have a Human pet named Spot... Awesome book great sense of humor :)

Gave up on this book halfway through, not my bag I am afraid

Very enjoyable. Put me in the mind of Douglas Adams.


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