The people kept their distance, a low murmur coming from them. Jim looked away from them and saw the back doors of the limo open. He recognized Zach and Wilfred as they left the car, both of whom looked amused. Two more men got out also. These two he didn’t recognize. One was about his size, the other maybe half a foot shorter, and both were carrying three and a half foot long swords, the blades polished to where they gleamed. The two men moved fluidly, and from the way they held their swords it was clear they knew how to use them. More drivers were pulling over and the crowd was growing larger, maybe two dozen people. When they saw the two vampires moving on Jim with their swords, they started to back away. One of the bystanders took out a cell phone and pointed it at them. Again, Jim thought of running, but it wouldn’t do any good. He wouldn’t get far without one of the Harleys, and the limo and Serena’s gang stood between him and the bikes. He held his ground and waited for the two vampires brandishing swords to come closer.