I brief him on the meeting with the Raymonds. “So we definitely have the necklace,” he says. “It’s our guy. He carved the crude tattoos on those Michigan girls to relive Sally-Anne’s murder.” “Mmm.” He pauses. “What’s Carter like?” “Good. He’s being very helpful.” “Anderson, watch yourself.” That’s the second time he’s said that. “Any particular reason?” I ask. “I’m personally investigating everyone who’s worked the cases, including Detective Carter and his old partner, Bob Watson.” “I’m meeting Watson in a few minutes.” I look up at Darren and he smiles. “So they’re suspects?” I know Carter or Watson can’t be the killer because my vision just told me our perp is in D.C. with Sam, but I can’t share this with O’Donnell. “With the law-enforcement background from the profile, it’s something we have to look at. I’ve spoken to Rivers.” He pauses. “I’m even investigating some of the task force members.” “Really?”