Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Shadowgate 04 - Plot & Excerpts
— PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY 1968 WAS A YEAR DEFINED BY VIOLENCE AND DEATH. BEFORE IT WAS OVER, two assassinations had forever changed the tone of American political life: Martin Luther King, Jr. and Senator Robert F. Kennedy. The two men were killed barely eight weeks apart, and in the wake of the second murder, the riots at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago took on a surreal, apocalyptic importance: seen by the Right as an extension of the animal savagery that had coopted the political process, and by the Left as a confirmation of the view that America had become a brutal police state. The trial of the Chicago Seven that followed became a media circus; a carnival sideshow where Image cast out Truth and Justice was not blind, but mad. . . . They'd bought the little stucco bungalow four years ago, when Peter had been promoted. They'd been so happy the day they'd finally moved in—a real home at last. Sometimes it seemed to Claire that she could still feel that joy, as if it had been recorded by the very bones of the house and echoed, like old music, through its rooms.
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