She dashed into La Belle Époque Restaurant seconds before a torrent of rain exploded from the sky, and entered the cloakroom out of breath. “I was hoping you’d get here a little early,” Natalie, the blonde who she was replacing, said, “but it doesn’t matter. I can’t go anywhere in this downpour.” “You want to borrow my umbrella?” Kendra asked her. “Thanks, but I don’t think an umbrella would do much good. Just look at that.” “I hope you’re not missing something important,” Kendra told her. She liked Natalie, for Natalie had befriended her on several occasions. “I have a doctor’s appointment. You’re such a terrific person, Kendra. Find a way to get out of this job. You’re too smart for it. I’m here because I can go to school mornings, work afternoons, and I live in Laurel, Maryland. I don’t get much sleep, but I’ll graduate in June, and then this torture will be a thing of the past.” “I’m working here to save enough money to go back to Howard and finish my undergraduate degree.
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