These were deep enough to never fully heal—she would be left with a few more scars for her collection. Liam exited the back door, a glass of whisky in one hand, a small mason jar filled with a white substance in the other. “Those look nasty.” Callie shrugged. “I’ll live. What’s that?” Liam held the mason jar aloft in long, nimble fingers. “Something from Sulie. Smells like mint and eucalyptus, good for burns. Once those heal some we’ll rub sugar over them to help avoid scarring.” Callie cocked an eyebrow. “Trying to keep me pretty, Irish-man?” Liam chuckled. “Don’t have to try very hard, do I?” “Cute, smart and silver-tongued. Is there anything you don’t do?” “Windows.” Callie sputtered on her whiskey, laughing. Liam sat next to her and opened the jar of salve. The heady mixture of mint and eucalyptus thickened the humid air further as he smeared it gently over her new battle wounds. “Want to tell me about this Crossroads bargain you went and made?”