He woke each morning hungry and faint, and others around him were even worse. Each day men limped out of camp or were carried on stretchers behind the lines. “We can’t go on like this, Tom.” Jeff had eaten a small portion of cornbread soaked with bacon fat, his portion of the breakfast, and now he looked mournfully at the empty tin plate. “I could eat a horse!” Tom had finished his own breakfast and lifted his eyes to his brother. “That may be the next thing we’ll have to eat.” He strained his eyes to see across the trenches through the early morning fog. “They’re over there,” he murmured, “and I expect we can look for them to come just about any time.” “You think we’ll make any more attacks like we did on Fort Stedman?” “No! The only thing we can do now is run.” “Run?” Jeff stared at his brother doubtfully. “Most of us can’t even walk, much less run.” He glanced toward the rear, where General Lee’s headquarters was located. “What do you think General Lee’s thinking about this time, Tom?
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