I have hired a physical therapist to come to my home daily because with the baby I just can’t work with Cam like I did, so I picked a highly qualified therapist to work his muscles and the new nurse he has now keeps him turned and iv’s checked. However I stay in this huge room with him always. Baby Cruz right along with us. I sit in my chair closest to the big window where I can see Cam, the sun, the water, Baby Cruz can play on a blanket with toys, and I can even make out our favorite grassy patch as it slowly has grown back to full plush with lack of us using it. I work from home in this chair on my laptop and using facetime. I do everything from this room except bathe. We never leave him. I can’t. Valeria has free reign over the entire house but with us in this room it stays fairly clean. Baby Cruz has never even lay in the crib in the nursery but always in the pack n play here. Today is beautiful and I want to go outside. But I won’t leave Cam. So I had Gus open the French doors leading out and had them roll the smaller transition bed over to Cam.