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Read Busted By My Stepbrother (Steamy Stepbrother Taboo Romance)

Busted By My Stepbrother (Steamy Stepbrother Taboo Romance)

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Busted By My Stepbrother (Steamy Stepbrother Taboo Romance) - Plot & Excerpts

 Her mom has never been much of a disciplinarian, and her real dad is a complete tool that doesn't lift a finger to help.  Even my dad had to start chipping in for tuition, although I know he thinks she should get a part time job and pay for it herself.  At least as much as she could.  But it's not really his decision.  The girl doesn't listen to him at all, anyway.  Says he’s not her father so he has no say in how she acts, and her mom doesn't really back him up much.  It annoys me to see my dad so helpless sometimes.  If it were a problem with me, he’d just give me a smack to the back of the head.  I hate how much she gets away with. I pulled my old car up into my driveway and stepped out into the sunlight, letting the warmth hit my face for a moment.  I couldn't wait to get out of my work clothes and into some shorts and a t-shirt, maybe hit the hammock out back with a beer.  There's no better way to spend a Friday afternoon.  Work really is for suckers, and unfortunately I was one of them.  Just not today. When I pushed open the front door, though, something caught the bottom of it and caused it to swing back at me and almost knock me in the nose.  I caught it just in time and shoved back, this time harder.  There were shoes on the floor, left right behind the door, making it hard to open.  That was a pet peeve of mine.

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