Call Of The Cougar (Heart Of The Cougar Book 2) - Plot & Excerpts
He'd just had the thrill of a lifetime—foaling his own filly, and sharing the experience with Tracey, who looked awestruck and pleased. He loved that she had named the filly too. But now? He didn't want her going off to supper with Stryker. The instinct was natural—a cougar's tendency to claim his territory, and the female in it. For humans, it might seem archaic, but for cougars, it was an inborn condition. In the wild, and as full cougars, he would fight off another male that encroached on his territory. In this case, he had to come to terms with his cougar half. Though he still didn't want to give her up for the evening, he'd go halfway. He was still watching her to see her reaction, knowing the way he called out the barbecue invitation, Stryker had to have heard it over the phone. She looked up from the filly to him and said over the phone, "That would be great. She's really beautiful. See you in a little bit." Then she pocketed her phone and smiled, but it wasn't a sweet smile, more like she knew Hal had played a fast one on his friend.
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