In her mountain home, she had claimed quite a few dark coves to spirit lovers away to. She had spent many an hour learning about taste, touch, and feel. Her mother, a wary one and more keen to Shoraya’s insistent nature than her father, had made sure that Shoraya had plenty of the maiden’s clay to prevent birth the moment she reached maturity. Also no stranger to a male’s musculature, their sensitive spots and hardened ones, Shoraya had studied them as if they were an unknown ore, to find out their properties, their weaknesses…and their benefits. Some were beautiful, some were strong, and others rigid, but all were soft when the right techniques were applied. Just like the skin and bones of the mountain, they required the right amount of heat and molding. No two males were alike, and though the number might have been many, none of Shoraya’s encounters were anything other than education. Mainly hers. There was no one who stood out, because there were few who understood her nature.