Scithers Feline fiction: fantasy, mystery, & science fiction. NOT ANOTHER BLACK CAT STORY, by Geoffrey Maloney The Devil's website was clear enough. . . . SCOUT, by Mary A. Turzillo The whoosh of an advanced propulsion system. AMERICAN CURLS, by Nancy Springer Catnapping . . . and a murder. THE CATS OF ULTHAR, by H.P. Lovecraft It is said that in Ulthar, no man may kill a cat. KREATIVITY FOR KATS, by Fritz Leiber A silver ribbon, sparkling with sunlight. . . NON-EXISTENT CATS, by Tony Richards As the title says, this is about non-existent cats. ANGELIQUE’S, by Sandra Beswetherick Her cat, Thomas, was good at finding things. THREE HAIKU, by Mark Budman Your paws weave time. . . THE CAT, by Charles Baudelaire A feline poem . . . BLACK PUMPS & A SKANKY TOM, by Pat Esden The cat had been hiding the killer’s left-overs. DRAGON DREAMS, by Shereen Vedam The bright, orange light from the two suns. . .