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Read Catch Her If You Can (2011)

Catch Her If You Can (2011)

Online Book

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Catch Her If You Can (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

Every dog has its day?
Mine was Wednesday.
Everything went right for a change. Not only did I complete the damage report a whole four days before it was due, I begged, bribed, and cajoled the technicians checking the building’s electrical system into taking a look at the power supply for the heating and air-conditioning system. They insisted there was sufficient power going to the units but agreed the units themselves were inadequate to cool the cubic airspace in our building. I even got them to put that in writing!
Then, just before noon, Major Burke called to inform me that he didn’t see any legal or ethical impediment to Sergeant Cassidy or I accepting a reward offered by the FBI as long as it wasn’t part of the Rewards for Justice program.
I whooped and started hearing cash registers ping again. The major added a caveat in mid-ping.
“I researched Army, Air Force, and DOD regs. There may be something in DARPA’s internal operating procedures, though, particularly as concerns the proprietary properties of the device you were testing.

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