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Read The Captain's Woman (2003)

The Captain's Woman (2003)

Online Book

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1551666499 (ISBN13: 9781551666495)
mira books

The Captain's Woman (2003) - Plot & Excerpts

Victoria Parker has loved Captain Sam Garrett for most of her life. So when the career soldier returns to Cheyenne after eight years in service to manage his family's business interests, Victoria sets out to win his heart -- even though she knows it belongs to another. But then hostilities erupt outside of U.S. borders and the country is soon at war. When Sam reenlists, joining Teddy Roosevelt's infamous Rough Riders, Victoria follows, determined not to lose the love she has just found. In the chaos of battle, Victoria will find her purpose, reporting on the heroic efforts of American nurses. And she will find the courage to fight for her country, her ideals and her heart as she stakes her claim as the captain's woman.

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