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Merline Lovelace books

Merline Lovelace
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Read Books by Merline Lovelace


Diamonds Can Be Deadly (2006)

If diamonds were a girl's best friend... Then emeralds come in a close second. So when ex-model-turned-agent Jordan Colby, Code Name: Diamond, was sent to Kauai to find a missing gem, she jumped at the chance. There was just one glitch: the presence of her ex-fiancé, T.J. Scott, a former New Yor...

Diamonds Can Be Deadly (2006) by Merline Lovelace

April Moon (2004)

Sailor's Moon by Merline Lovelace While traveling to her unwanted wedding to a brutal nobleman, the notorious Lady Elizabeth Stanton was taken captive by Captain Richard Blake, and all-too-appealing American with vengeance on his mind! But the trouble was that Elizabeth soon wanted nothing more t...

April Moon (2004) by Merline Lovelace

A Savage Beauty (2003)

Okay... so, I honestly only read up to page 132 and then skipped to the ending. The truth is although I thought the premise of the story was good I didn't like the way it was delivered. I've found Lovelace has an annoying habit (at least for me) of cutting a scene or dialogue to give a thorough e...

A Savage Beauty (2003) by Merline Lovelace

Texas...Now And Forever (2003)

Luke Callaghan, millionaire and secret agent, must embark on the toughest rescue mission of his life when Haley Mercado, the only woman he has ever loved, confesses to having his child--a baby girl who has been kidnapped by the notorious Texas Mafia. Original.

Texas...Now And Forever (2003) by Merline Lovelace

The Captain's Woman (2003)

Victoria Parker has loved Captain Sam Garrett for most of her life. So when the career soldier returns to Cheyenne after eight years in service to manage his family's business interests, Victoria sets out to win his heart -- even though she knows it belongs to another. But then hostilities erupt ...

The Captain's Woman (2003) by Merline Lovelace

Countess in Buckskin (2000)

Older Harlequin historical reformatted into ebook. Good author, drawing from her Air Force experience. Fairly engrossing, smexy, and heart pounding adventurous romance between an antisocial frontiersman and a tomboy Countess, set in the frozen Sierra Nevada Mountains of California Territory, in 1...

Countess in Buckskin (2000) by Merline Lovelace

The Horse Soldier (2001)

Determined to find her missing husband, Julia Bonneaux and her young daughter make a dangerous journey to Wyoming. But at Fort Laramie Julie finds instead Major Andrew Garrett, the man she had secretly married seven years ago, a Union spy who had betrayed her and who she believed was dead. Now sh...

The Horse Soldier (2001) by Merline Lovelace

Catch Her If You Can (2011)

Every dog has its day? Mine was Wednesday. Everything went right for a change. Not only did I complete the damage report a whole four days before it was due, I begged, bribed, and cajoled the technicians checking the building’s electrical system into taking a look at the power supply for the heat...

Catch Her If You Can (2011) by Merline Lovelace

One of the Boys (2005)

There were five of the blasted things, each one about the size of a small thumbtack. When the last stud stubbornly refused to fit into the hole right under his chin, Jake’s oath was more vocal and more audible. A giggle from the bedroom door brought his head whipping around. “You didn’t hear that...

One of the Boys (2005) by Merline Lovelace

All the Wrong Moves

A perky blond reporter holding a microphone in front of her face morphed into view.“. . . in the death of Patrick James Hooker, the American mercenary accused of selling stolen arms to drug lords. Three U.S. Marines and six Colombian paramilitary officers died in an ambush when those arms were tu...

All the Wrong Moves by Merline Lovelace

Crusader Captive

De Rhys, do you hear me?”Her tangled hair falling in her face, Jocelyn dropped to her knees and struggled to turn the man over. It was like pushing at rock.“De Rhys!”His only response was an inarticulate grunt.This was most assuredly not part of the plan.Cursing, Jocelyn threw on her torn bliaut ...

Crusader Captive by Merline Lovelace

Third Time's the Bride! (2016)

The kiss he’d laid on Dawn the previous evening had made for a restless night.     Restless, hell! It had left him hard and hurting. Good thing she’d breezed out of the kitchen when she had or he might have compounded his stupidity by suggesting they share a brandy after Tommy...

Third Time's the Bride! (2016) by Merline Lovelace

The Texan's Royal M.D. (2014)

“Let’s take this to the conference table. You need to show me exactly what’s got you concerned.”     The table was a slab of thick glass supported by a bronze base. It seated twenty and had hosted too many high-level negotiations and contract signings for Mike to count. Those ...

The Texan's Royal M.D. (2014) by Merline Lovelace

Match Play (2008)

Her glossy black hair tossing wildly in the wind, she hooked an inquiring brow.“What was that all about?”Luke explained during the short walk to the hotel. “The Guardians are a group of rabid antiwar protestors. They’ve designated themselves as unofficial weapons inspectors and have made it their...

Match Play (2008) by Merline Lovelace

Dangerous to Hold (2002)

Or higher. Eyes narrowed, he skimmed the crowd gathering in the camp to greet their leader. It seemed to consist mostly of bent, scarred veterans even more ancient than Dimitri. Only after they’d drawn nearer did Nate see a scattering of children and women among the men. Most of the women wore an...

Dangerous to Hold (2002) by Merline Lovelace

Baby, It's Cold Outside

How completely blinded they’d been by snow and wind; how they’d been laughing at the impossible job of shoveling the roof—and yeah, it had been physically taxing and freezing, but they’d still had fun. She’d been laughing, the way she hadn’t laughed in weeks. Then…That sudden paralyzing cold.The ...

Baby, It's Cold Outside by Merline Lovelace

''I Do''...Take Two! (2015)

As Kate had hoped, the pizza rolls and three-dimensional puzzle totally absorbed Tommy. Not just him, she noted with amusement. Travis’s engineering degree and passion for all things mechanical drew him like a moth to the table where Tommy had laid out the puzzle pieces. Travis exercised admirabl...

''I Do''...Take Two! (2015) by Merline Lovelace

Dangerous to Know (2002)

So much for the glamorous, deliciously decadent undercover role she’d thought she was going to play while in Cannes. Instead of breakfasting at one of the linen-draped tables in the Carlton’s palatial dining room, she was wedged into a tiny café filled with a few oilcloth-covered tables and an as...

Dangerous to Know (2002) by Merline Lovelace

After Midnight

The chief of security had already received a heads-up from the Walton County Sheriff’s Department. As a courtesy, local law enforcement agencies notified Eglin’s central dispatch whenever military personnel were involved in an off-base incident. Jess filled the top cop in on the details of Whitti...

After Midnight by Merline Lovelace

Her Unforgettable Royal Lover (2014)

Natalie Elizabeth Clark. Born Farmington, Illinois. Age twenty-nine, height five feet six inches, brown hair, brown eyes. Single. Graduated University of Michigan with a degree in library science, specializing in archives and presentation. Employed as an archivist with Centerville Community Colle...

Her Unforgettable Royal Lover (2014) by Merline Lovelace

The Diplomat's Pregnant Bride

Before she could respond, before she could even think of a response, Zia came running down the hall.     “Come quickly! Special Agent Driskell’s on the phone. She thinks they have a link to the kidnappers.”     Gina spun on one heel and raced for the sittin...

The Diplomat's Pregnant Bride by Merline Lovelace

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