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Read Caves That Time Forgot (2010)

Caves That Time Forgot (2010)

Online Book

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Moody Publishers

Caves That Time Forgot (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

“A pretty narrow view, isn’t it?” Dave muttered when Josh gave him this information. “Pretty egotistical, if you ask me.”
“I think that’s not unusual though,” Josh said. “Some of the American Indian tribes—the Sioux, I think—thought the same thing. And others.”
“Look!” Wash said. “I think it’s time to eat. Let’s go see if we can behave ourselves at their dinner table.”
They had entered the main cave, a gigantic natural formation.
“They never dug this one out with their little hatchets,” Reb said. “It’d taken them a million years.” He stared about the cavern. It was at least twenty feet high and probably forty feet wide at the broadest point. “I guess they all live together in here.”
A fire blazed in the cave opening, and some women were roasting meat on sharp sticks. Since the smoke had no way to escape except through the entrance, it filled the air, and Abigail fell to coughing.
Sarah slapped her on the back. “Don’t let them see that you’re offended, whatever you do.”

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