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Read CH02 - Chip Harrison Scores Again

CH02 - Chip Harrison Scores Again

Online Book

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CH02 - Chip Harrison Scores Again - Plot & Excerpts

“You’re in trouble now, Chip.”
    “I am?”
    “Bad trouble.”
    “I don’t see it.”
    Her hand, thin with a tracing of blue veins, moved quickly and decisively. She lifted a pawn of mine, set her bishop in its place.
    “Check,” she said.
    “Think it out if you want, but I can speed it up for you. If you play King takes Bishop, I play Queen to King Eight—Checkmate. If you play King to Bishop One, I play Bishop takes Queen.”
    I looked at the board for a minute, and she was right. She generally was. I nodded slowly.
    “You resign?”
    “Want another game?”
    “Not right now. I have a feeling I’m never going to learn this game.”
    “You’re getting better.”

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