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Read Chance Encounter (Take A Chance: Prequel)

Chance Encounter (Take a Chance: Prequel)

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Chance Encounter (Take A Chance: Prequel) - Plot & Excerpts

His breathing had been growing deeper and slower for the last few miles.
His face was turned her way as he slept and she found herself studying him. He seemed wary when he was awake, as though at any second something bad could happen and he needed to be ready. But in sleep, he was still. Vulnerable.
She grabbed her notebook and slid a pencil from her bag stealthily so as not to wake him. She’d never be a great artist, but she’d been sketching since she could remember.
She’d drawn caricatures last year for a college fundraiser and they’d been a real hit.
Maybe that’s what she’d do, she thought, as her pencil moved swiftly, set up a stand on a street somewhere and draw caricatures for tourists.
The bus bumped to a stop with a clank and a roar that woke Jack with a start. He glanced swiftly around as though assessing the immediate area for danger.
“We’re in Myrtle Creek,”
she said softly. “The bus stops here for half an hour.”
“Right.” He stretched.
“You want a coffee?”

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