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Read Changing Lanes (The Lone Stars Book 3)

Changing Lanes (The Lone Stars Book 3)

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Changing Lanes (The Lone Stars Book 3) - Plot & Excerpts

The end was near. As Laney sat holding one of Lara’s sweet little hands with Sweet Louise holding the other, Laney racked her brain for a treatment that she hadn’t tried. Maybe there was something new—a new drug, anything, but she knew there wasn’t. She’d tried everything and had failed. She felt this failure all the way down to her soul.
For the first time in a long time, Laney embraced the tears and let them flow. Devon held her and patted her back—words weren’t necessary. It was nice to be held and comforted—to let someone else shoulder the pain for just a bit. Not too long ago, she’d thought that showing emotion was a sign of weakness, now she just accepted it as part of who she was. Crying did offer some relief, if only a temporary one.
The aching emptiness and finality of death left a gaping hole in Laney’s heart. One day soon, she would have to say goodbye to Lara forever. No longer would she be able to see this beautiful little girl, or hear her voice, or see her smile.

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