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Read Children Of Fire (2013)

Children of Fire (2013)

Online Book

3.62 of 5 Votes: 4
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0345542231 (ISBN13: 9780345542236)
Del Rey

Children Of Fire (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

Rating: 3.5/5 stars (rounded up to 4)Upsides: Clear good/evil characters. An easy read. Last 100 pages it really picked up pace and I flew through them. Downsides: Some characters you just find yourself not caring for. The whole book seems like a prequel for a story yet to come (disclaimer: it is the first in a trilogy, but this feels more like a prologue than anything). Personally I'm not a fan of children in fantasy stories and the first 100 pages is devoted to children. Should Appeal To: Those who like classic fantasies and to those who are tired of convoluted plots/characters. Honestly, I don't know anything about Drew Karpyshyn. I will admit that what drew me to this book was the background mentioned of his work within the video game realm. Video games have changed so much, and many are very story/character driven, with storylines that would rival some of the best novels. So in that vein, I was quite curious. However, I'm still sort of on the fence.Don't get me wrong - the world Karpyshyn has created is fantastic. The background of the story is good, and I like where this seems to be going. However. For liking the world as much as I do, I really don't feel like I have much of a connection to the characters themselves. I'm *guessing* this may be due, in part, to the massive world-building that is going on, but it definitely hindered my desire to continue reading. For being a fantasy novel, with a terrifically creative world, I had to work pretty hard to convince myself to get back to the story when I put it down.Having said that - I would probably get the second book (from the library) when it comes out to see if I want to continue reading. The characters do seem like they have plenty of room for growth, and maybe there will be a better opportunity for that once some of the immense world is fully fleshed out. I have hopes that it will get there, and I'm intrigued enough with everything else to give it another shot!

What do You think about Children Of Fire (2013)?

A great fantasy book can't wait for book two. Thank you I won this book on Goodreads.

Very good. I am eagerly awaiting the next one of the series.

A well-written fantasy book. I enjoyed it.

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