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Drew Karpyshyn books

Drew Karpyshyn
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Read Books by Drew Karpyshyn


Dynasty of Evil (2009)

Magnificent trilogy! Layers of intricate plot and character development; the stories unhindered by the common and banal practice of spending a fourth of the book recapping the previous series. Also, refreshing to have a taste of another perspective besides the tame (and often predictable) Jedi. O...

Dynasty of Evil (2009) by Drew Karpyshyn

Revan (2011)

My all time favorite book, Revan takes place soon after they left off in kotor(Knights of the Old Republic). It includes several different characters that were featured in kotor including Bastila Shan, T3M4, Canderous Ordo, and Revan himself. They also include some of the characters that take pla...

Revan (2011) by Drew Karpyshyn

Revan. Drew Karpyshyn (2011)

Enjoyed this read. Surprised at the end! Little corny but Revan was the greatest, I feel like they ruined him a bit with the back story.

Revan. Drew Karpyshyn (2011) by Drew Karpyshyn

Children of Fire (2013)

Rating: 3.5/5 stars (rounded up to 4)Upsides: Clear good/evil characters. An easy read. Last 100 pages it really picked up pace and I flew through them. Downsides: Some characters you just find yourself not caring for. The whole book seems like a prequel for a story yet to come (disclaimer: it is...

Children of Fire (2013) by Drew Karpyshyn

Path of Destruction (2007)

It is easy, especially by some intellectuals, to ignore the beauty or depth of something simple while being carried away by the sheer magic of complex sentences and obscure statements. However as an unmistakable fan of Hegel, Lacan and Zizek i can't help but think the real magic is in telling or ...

Path of Destruction (2007) by Drew Karpyshyn

Mass Effect: Revelation (2007)

Every advanced society in the galaxy relies on the technology of the Protheans, an ancient species that vanished fifty thousand years ago. After discovering a cache of Prothean technology on Mars in 2148, humanity is spreading to the stars; the newest interstellar species, struggling to carve out...

Mass Effect: Revelation (2007) by Drew Karpyshyn

Temple Hill (2001)

Among the dark streets of the city move thieves and cutthroats. And they don't like independent operators like Lhasha Moonsliver. But when she hires the town drunk as a bodyguard, she gets more than she bargained for. Together they'll have to battle the thieves' guild, the Cult of the Dragon, and...

Temple Hill (2001) by Drew Karpyshyn

Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal (2001)

Death to the Children of Bhaal! On the run and hunted by everyone in Faerun, Bhaal's offspring are being wiped out. Instead of ridding the land of evil, each kill gives more power to a vicious group of Bhaalspawn intent on returning their father to the world. Follow the ultimate battle of the chi...

Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal (2001) by Drew Karpyshyn

Rule of Two (2007)

In the New York Times bestseller Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, Drew Karpyshyn painted a gripping portrait of a young mans journey from innocence to evil. That man was Darth Bane, a twisted genius whose iron will, fierce ambition, and strength in the dark side of the Force made him a natural le...

Rule of Two (2007) by Drew Karpyshyn

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan

At the door of his room she turned and looked back at him, marveling at how much the three-year-old boy already looked like his father. He had the same dark, shoulder-length hair and the thin, angular face. His eyes were closed now, but she knew they were dark and brooding … just like Revan’s. An...

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan by Drew Karpyshyn

Chaos Unleashed

As leader of the Regent Council, he spoke to her almost every day, but the meetings were always at his request. This was the first time since they’d returned from the East that she had asked him to come to her. Maybe she’s starting to feel like her old self. Maybe she’s thinking about retaking he...

Chaos Unleashed by Drew Karpyshyn

Mass Effect™: Retribution (2010)

Every few hours he would suddenly become very tired and the world would slip away. When he awoke, he could never tell how long he had been out. He wasn’t sure, but he suspected the Reapers were behind the blackouts. Each time his senses returned he quickly checked the shuttle’s navigational equip...

Mass Effect™: Retribution (2010) by Drew Karpyshyn

Star Wars: Path of Destruction: A Novel of the Old Republic

But though his pace was somber and subdued, his mood was one of elated triumph. In the weeks since his fateful meeting with Githany his situation had turned around completely. As promised, she was teaching him. The first few sessions had gone slowly as she’d helped him work through his mind’s fea...

Star Wars: Path of Destruction: A Novel of the Old Republic by Drew Karpyshyn

The Scorched Earth (The Chaos Born)

She knew the smell of burning flesh well: tonight the Purge had truly begun. A small company of Lord Carthin’s soldiers marched out to meet her and the eight armed Inquisitors who traveled at her side; an honor guard to escort her into the central courtyard. There, three large bonfires were still...

The Scorched Earth (The Chaos Born) by Drew Karpyshyn

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