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Read Cole McGinnis 05 - Down And Dirty

Cole McGinnis 05 - Down and Dirty

Online Book

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Cole McGinnis 05 - Down And Dirty - Plot & Excerpts

So much quieter. So much more orderly.
    And with a fuck of a lot less terror.
    It was supposed to be a simple trip. He was going to talk to a Vietnamese woman named April, hoping to glean some information for his brother, Cole. A brother who was now crouched in against him, covering him tighter than any hug Ichiro’d ever been given—including from their mother.
    To be fair to their mother, she’d also never shoved him facedown into greasy, filthy black asphalt speckled with glass fragments and cigarette butts.
    Cole had his reasons. Small, deadly reasons cutting through the air above them and puncturing through cars and windows with little regard for the throngs of people cluttering the Los Angeles streets and sidewalks.
    Fear tasted like blood. It filled his mouth with its thick, viscous cloyingness. Ichi thought he’d been shot through the lungs, but when he spat to clear his tongue, his saliva clung to his lips and face and was startlingly clear.

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