*** 1/2Un libro del quale ho particolarmente apprezzato le parti che trattavano gli scavi archeologici e il passato di Lynay, mentre quelle sulla protagonista e la sua storia d'amore mi hanno interessato meno.Se fossero state sviluppate in parallelo forse avrei apprezzato di più, mentre la scrittrice ha preferito inserire dei flashback (anche poco giustificati. Erano sogni di Ren? Visioni?) che non mi hanno convinta fino in fondo.Adatto a chi cerca una lettura leggera, ma con un'ambientazione meno comune della solita città/vacanza/campagna inglese. This book had such promise, but the pace is very slow, and the transitions between the amount of time passing are awkward and confusing. There is much more reflection, internal dialogue and description in here than actual conversation. I read almost halfway and, still, there was no rising action and I found myself not caring if she was going to find her bowl maker or if her new relationship would survive her closed off personality.
I've tried to get into this book for the whole month of February but I'm not into it.
Excellant writing, engaging story. Once I started, I couldn't put this book down.
Part ghost story, part love story, part archeological primer....Different!
Page 88, and not getting into this book. Stopped reading.